Everyone wants to find their love of life, however, it’s not easy and quite time consuming challenge which is usually worth of your life, in addition, there always appear some women who are not perfect fit for you. Thus, some experienced and happy married men share their experience through PUA books, which explain how to pick up girls, identify she’s the right one and not to lose your destiny. BooKKooks has spent more than 35 hours on revealing the best PUA books for beginners and experienced men who want to understand what to do with such complicated creature and be always beloved by women.
Top Pick Up Artist Books on Women Seduction
Rank | Review | Name | Author | Date | Page | Rating | Price |
1 | Models: Attract Women Through Honesty | Mark Manson | July 28, 2011 | 260 | 10.0 | Check Here | |
2 | The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them | W. Anton | December 23, 2010 | 346 | 9.9 | Check Here | |
3 | The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want | Richard La Ruina | January 28, 2014 | 224 | 9.5 | Check Here | |
4 | Approaching Women: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting More Dates | Justin Stenstorm | January 13, 2016 | 220 | 9.4 | Check Here | |
5 | Pickup Lines: Ten Funny Pickup Lines that Actually Work | Jonathan Green | May 22, 2015 | 46 | 9.2 | Check Here | |
6 | Mate: Become the Man Women Want | Tucker Max, Geoffrey Miller, Nils Parker | September 15, 2015 | 384 | 9.1 | Check Here | |
7 | A Thousand Tiny Failures | T D Newton | September 6, 2013 | 334 | 9.0 | Check Here | |
8 | Rules of the Game | Neil Strauss | October 27, 2009 | 384 | 8.9 | Check Here | |
9 | Concise Art of Seduction | Robert Greene | September, 2003 | 224 | 8.8 | Check Here | |
10 | The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists | Neil Strauss | September, 2005 | 452 | 8.6 | Check Here | |
11 | The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed | Mystery, Chris Odom, Eric von Markovik, Neil Strauss | February 6, 2007 | 240 | 8.4 | Check Here | |
12 | The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction | Mystery, Chris Odom | January 26, 2010 | 272 | 8.1 | Check Here |
Models: Attract Women Through Honesty
The title of the book Models: Attract Women Through Honesty speaks for itself, the surest way to woman’s heart is to be as honest as you are, and this is a paradoxical way to be happy with your partner. The author Mark Mason tries to explain how wonderful people are and not to be afraid to show your inner world, especially to a potential girl in the beginning of your relationship. This principle strengthens your connection more than usual seduction.
In addition, there are some recommendations of basic principles and behaviour tips, and methods how to calm down yourself if you worry when you are close to a beautiful woman. You will learn that you can eat your cake and have it, too, in other words as a potential reader you will find lots of inspiration and encouragement along with new information. So, isn’t it a wonderful collection of things which should be known by any man in the world?
This is a paperback edition, released on July 28, 2011. There are 260 pages with no illustrations, the size is 5.5*8.5 inches.
- Grounded recommendations which contribute to long-lasting and healthy relationships
- It provides with more confidence
- It stands for natural attractiveness
- There are no pick up instructions
The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them
The title page of The Manual: What Women Want and How to Give It to Them attracts everyone who passes through by its intriguing picture of a naked woman. However, despite such a teasing picture the content is based on tons of hours spent on figuring out how to win a woman’s loyalty. It means that potential reader will learn how to be the most desirable man and not to waste his valuable time, since everything is already described in this book and can be applicable to everyday life.
The main idea is that natural attractiveness works much better than woman’s love with money. In fact, this is a common delusion which stops every man, furthermore, even women hardly ever realize that this is not the best way to happiness, and quite often they get it quite late. And, you will also find out why numerous “no”s help you even more to find your destiny.
The copy was written by W. Anton and released on July 23, 2010 and arranged in paperback. The content is spread over 246 pages.
- It learns how to get a benefit from refuses
- Lots of ideas are applicable to real life
- It contains numerous repetitive statements
The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want
There is a wonderful opportunity for men to get so valuable master class from a person who had rocky journey through incomprehension among women to becoming the most desired man ever – this journey is possible for everyone. This journey is described by extraordinary person who faced up all the difficulties, he shares his own research and solutions on how life can be much easier and growing yourself to an artist of seduction of all time.
The author did his best to show that the process of winning a woman is effortless despite the fact that people thought it’s not. And the journey from the daydream to real relationship is shorter.
Richard La Ruina is the creator of The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract Women You Want. He showed his successful experience on 224 pages released by HarperOne on January 28, 2014. It comes in a paperback slightly embellished by monograms around the name of the book.
- The recommendations also work for self confidence and gaining relationships with other people
- There are some specific recommendations on things men might be unsure
- There are lots of things which are already mentioned on free resources
Approaching Women: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting More Dates
Are you one of those who want to become more confident speaking to beautiful girls or become more experienced in flirting? You should read this step-by-step tutorial made by Justin Stenstorn, who wants to show that dealing with girls is not as difficult as it seems.
He shares his ideas of how to become not a friend to your beloved woman but a man who can do more things than he is expected.
There are some hints and recommendations on how each step should be performed by you and not to look rude or, God forbid, abusive. In addition, there are some authorial methodologies, which will make your practice easier.
The CeSpace Independent Publishing Platform has released Approaching Women: A Step-By-Step Guide to Getting More Dates on January 16, 2016 in paperback. The dimensions of the printing is 6*9 inches.
- The guide doesn’t involve any emotional manipulations
- The guide is based on principles that you should stay within the comfort zone, which usually doesn’t work properly
Pickup Lines: Ten Funny Pickup Lines that Actually Work
There is sensational reveal of secrets of how to find proper woman to spend life with and build healthy relationships which were shared by Jonathan Green – personal dating coach. This book promises to be the only one thing that you need to achieve success with girls and no need to waste thousands of dollars on things which are usually taught as described in this guide.
This printing is the first edition which was released on May 22, 2015. There are only 46 pages, and the size is 6*9 inches.
- Some of the ideas are applicable to both intimate and business relationships
- The book is easy to read, some of the ideas are quite funny
- There are some typos
Mate: Become the Man Women Want
This time a few specialists worked on creating the best guide which helps to find the answers lots of questions concerning building the mutual understanding between a man and a woman. This manual shows all the aspects from three points of view collected during the last 20 years. All of these principles were carefully tested, and it is safe to say they do work!
You can find some useful information about your body language, gaining your sexuality and other applicable tips for guys who really do not know what to start direct conversation to a girl with in daytime. Be sure, there are no unnecessary information which won’t work, but truly workable things.
The guide created by Tucker Max, Geoffrey Miller, Nils Parker was published by Little, Brown and Company and released on September 15, 2015. The book contains 384 pages which are arranged in a paperback.
- The ideas are applicable to improving everyone’s life in general, too
- The guide is based on scientific approach
- The expecting audience is guys of 18-25 years old
A Thousand Tiny Failures: Top on Picking Up Girls
Unlike the above-mentioned books based on personal experience, A Thousand Tiny Failures: Top on Picking Up Girls differs. In fact, the author T D Newton wouldn’t have created this tutorial if he had never had unusual disease for men – boobs -this fact is a barrier for young men who starts their intimate relationships with girls. Now, he’s a successful man who improved his life through numerous trials and errors, that is why all of them are described in this book in order not to repeat the same mistakes he did.
There are 334 pages of useful information released on September 6, 2013. The size of the printing is 5 by 8 inches.
- It is written in comedic style, it’s easy to read
- It can be informative even for women
- There are some basic typos
Best for Picking Up Chicks: Rules of the Game
This set of rules which is necessary for anyone who faces any issues related to starting a short conversation with a woman or just simply who wants to check whether he acts correctly. So why you suffer from numerous fails and don’t you apply some of the recommendations from the special collection. That can be an extremely handy tool in process of becoming the man who has the most wonderful woman ever even without applying aerobatics such as NLP.
This printing was published by It Books on September 27, 2009, it is covered with a paperback and comprises 384 pages. The size is 5.3*8 inches.
- This guide is applicable to any case and any person
- There is a story instead of straightforward recommendations
- There is no clear summary of things described in the guide
Concise Art of Seduction: Perfect Book on Persuading Woman
The Concise Art of Seduction: Perfect Book on Persuading Woman is positioned as the most straightforward and basic guide which has to be among men’ must-haves, of course if their wish is to be a master in the art of seduction. Be prepared that there are lots of things which are not previously described in alternative books, and sometimes the given information will give you more brain jolt, since genuine seduction is not caused by attractiveness but by the result of your brain activity – psychology.
Main edition was released by Gardners Book on September 2003 in paperback and there are 224 pages. The dimensions are 4.6*6.5 inches.
- There are wonderful practices of persuading people
- It contains multipurpose recommendations
- The book size is quite small that makes it uncomfortable
The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
This is another chapter among the series of books about the game of artists of seduction. As the previous ones, it is also based on true story, and the text is arranged not in a strict tutorial steps have to be followed but rather a novel with twisted ending and involving experience and approaches of some celebrities.
There are 452 pages of joy created by one of the most popular writers Neil Strauss,which was released in 2006.
- Approaches and techniques described in this guide can be reused in various areas of life
- The plot presents women as pushovers
The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed
If you are one of those young men who sincerely don’t understand why some men always have successful relationships, while the others always stay alone, then probably you should take a look at this guide with defiant title The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Woman Into a Bed. Here you can find unique methods which were applied by author over the years, and you can practice them without wasting so much time.
The guide is covered in hardcover and comprises 240 pages. The first edition was published by St. Martin’s Press on February 6, 2007.
- It’s more than describing approaches of how to drag women into a bed
- It’s more about fundamentals of human psychology
- There are lots of insertions of buying the next chapter from the series of book
The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction
You might have faced already woman’s indifference to your trials to attract her, however, don’t be upset, since it can be caused by another reason, but not by your mistakes. In fact, have you ever thought that everybody including women are familiar with PU art and it’s fundamentals. In this way, knowing that, they do not react as they have to. So why don’t you check an alternative version of all the essentials specially created for men and try new approaches to attract women with The Pickup Artist: The New and Improved Art of Seduction.
The hardcover edition was released by Villard publishing on December 27, 2009, and it comprises 272 pages.
- All the approaches and techniques are easy to understand and apply to your life
- Some of the approaches are intolerant to woman’s point of view
We highly recommend to check out The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck review which probably will catch your attention and will help you improve your skills not only with women but in other areas of life.
Alpha Male: Stop Being a Wuss…Let Your Inner Alpha Loose
This small guide of how to stop being a person who always fails and is afraid of consequences. It helps to keep your shoulders back in any situation you have and to be ready to react on them as fast as possible.
The guide was created by a trainer and life coach who experienced every stage described in the guide firsthand. From a person with perfect muscular body desired by lots of women he grew into a knowing man who treated his alfa man which helps to be a winner in any situation.Thus, if you are one of those who wants to learn how to feel free to start a conversation with chicks passing by or leave a friendzone, this tutorial might be the most appropriate. Otherwise, the author claims that you can refund your money back if it doesn’t work for you.
This is a book which can be read within one day, since there are 70 pages only. The edition is arranged in a paperback and published on 13th of December, 2016.
- It’s very easy and quick to read
- It makes you to improve your self-confidence
- Each statement is not developed, there are just short explanations
Bang: Good for Beginners
In fact, people are not born professionals and they don’t know how to act in various situations, they do gain such knowledge while they obtain particular experience. However, sometimes this experience is not enough and they make mistakes, especially it concerns young men while they start their mature life and at social activity.
The wonderful solution for this is to find someone’s successful experience such as Bang by Roosh V. And this can be an essential guide of how to become a man who always knows how to behave with women and not be afraid even to practice a day game.
This essential guide was released by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform on July 10, 2007, and it comprises 168 pages wrapped by paperback.
- The writing style makes you read the whole book without any pauses
- The author’s point of view slightly differs from the other authors
- The main con is author believes that all the readers are geeks
Confessions of a Pickup Artist Chaser: Top Book Written by Woman
Unlike the majority books described in this top of the best PUA books. Confessions of a Pickup Artist Chaser is one from a few which is written by a woman and there you can find grounded explanations from woman’s point of view. In addition, she also spent lots of years on research the relationships between women and men. However, be ready that you can face paradoxical solutions which might have never described in books written by men.
Confessions of a Pickup Artist Chaser was released on March 26, 2012. It comprises 322 pages which are arranged in a paperback.
- There are lots of interesting information and experience description about polyamorous relationships
- Some of the approaches may make young men to be more predictable
Cool Facts
Here are some facts which will help you to find out more information about authors or PUA books and their life. Probably it will help you to choose the right book to follow. Otherwise, these facts can be used by you if you want to share some information with your friends.
- The Mystery author is Erik von Markovik is a Canadian pick-up artist who has created a series of guides to help men to be more confident with women and find their love.
- PUA community stands for seducing women and obtaining sexual success. However, the mastery of pick-up artist is basically grounded on human psychology.
- Neil Strauss’ net worth, the famous PUA writer, is more than $8 million US dollars.
- Roosh V, PUA writer, was spoiled by her mother as a little prince in his childhood.
- Robert Greene, the author of concise Art of Seduction, has created a book about rapper 50 Cent, which is called The 50th Law.
Sum Up
As you can see there are lots of authors on the market who suggest their right course of how to obtain success in intimate life and find the love of life without wasting lots of time. In fact, all of them do share right approaches and techniques, and they do work, but, all you need to do is to follow and employ each of these rules into your life. For sure, some of them won’t work properly particularly in your case, but the others will definitely work. In addition, since the majority approaches are based on psychology principles, thus all of them can be used as alternative methods to become successful in business, too. So are PUA books worth of being the handy books – the answer is definitely yes, and all you need is to pick one of the mentioned above, since, be sure that BooKKooks has already selected the best of the best for you.
- Best PUA Books for Absolute Beginners – https://www.reddit.com/
- What Are the Best Books / Courses for Learning How to Approach, Talk To, and Pick Up Women? – https://www.quora.com/
- PUA Forum – https://www.pick-up-artist-forum.com/